Fitness Pricetags by DAREBEE is a fun way to add extra exercise to your day and pay it forward for indulgences and/or earn rewards. Print and cut out the pricetags (squats, push-ups, sit-ups or jumping jacks) then stick them around your house or workplace to items associated with activities you wish to “pay for”, as a reminder.
Download JPG: squats, push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks
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Pricing examples:
Browsing meme/entertainment websites (10 minutes) = 10 squats
Reading a book (1 chapter) = 10 push-ups
Watching your favorite show (1 episode) = 20 sit-ups
Eating a cookie = 20 jumping jacks
Eating a chocolate bar = 50 jumping jacks
Set your price, indulge yourself and stay fit!